This is a European project which is part of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Programme , a research and innovation programme launched and financed by the 


h2020,growsmarter,scc-01-2014,carrier transport ab(se),municipio do porto(pt),cork city council(ie),kungliga tekniska hoegskolan(se),anteverti consulting sl(es),ampido gmbh(de),retevision i sa(es),endesa sa(es),lassila & tikanoja fm ab(se),schneider electric industries sas(fr),institut municipal d'informatica de barcelona(es),stattauto koeln gesellschaft fuer car sharing mbh(de),edistribucion

När området byggdes för drygt 100 år sedan var det ett industriområde i utkanten av staden. Controla la temperatura de tu hogar, visualiza datos del consumo eléctrico y programa avisos desde tu móvil h2020,growsmarter,scc-01-2014,carrier transport ab(se),municipio do porto(pt),cork city council(ie),kungliga tekniska hoegskolan(se),anteverti consulting sl(es),ampido gmbh(de),retevision i sa(es),endesa sa(es),lassila & tikanoja fm ab(se),schneider electric industries sas(fr),institut municipal d'informatica de barcelona(es),stattauto koeln gesellschaft fuer car sharing mbh(de),edistribucion The GrowSmarter project was one of three projects chosen from over 19 submissions to receive support from the European Commission’s in the first call for ‘Smart cities and communities’ under the Horizon 2020 funding stream.. All Smart City and Community (SCC1) projects funded under Horizon2020 can be found here.. All SCC1 projects have joined forces and signed a common manifesto on The Technology Innovation Plan establishes and develops the company’s priorities. Innovation and technology are key to changing the way we conduct our activity and stay abreast of the needs of our customers, turning ideas into services that guarantee an efficient, sustainable and safe energy supply.

  1. Provantage llc
  2. 13 september
  3. Stad på 4 bokstäver

There is also a chance to participate in a pre-event on November 18 hosted by Naturgy and the City of Barcelona, where GrowSmarter launches their final conclusions on the creation of Low Energy Districts. The winners of The Smart City Awards will be announced on November 20 at an awards ceremony at the Smart City Expo World Congress. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 646456. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the GrowSmarter project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union. GrowSmarter (2015 - 2019) In 2018, the most relevant actions were: Completion of energy rehabilitation in residential and tertiary buildings. Continuation of the installation of photovoltaic panels and Smart Home equipment in residential buildings. Validation of the 2017 results.

Naturgy, soci del projecte GrowSmarter a Espanya, i l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya (AHC), que gestiona el pla de rehabilitació al barri de Canyelles, han arribat a un acord de col·laboració per dur a terme la rehabilitació integral amb criteris passius d’una de les torres d’aquest barri.

Naturgy identifies sustainable mobility as a key component of strategic innovation within its positioning in environmentally friendly energies. As a leading energy company, it will play a fundamental role in the process of transforming mobility models, where renewable natural gas and electricity are the main vectors.

h2020,growsmarter,scc-01-2014,carrier transport ab(se),municipio do porto(pt),cork city council(ie),kungliga tekniska hoegskolan(se),anteverti consulting sl(es),ampido gmbh(de),retevision i sa(es),endesa sa(es),lassila & tikanoja fm ab(se),schneider electric industries sas(fr),institut municipal d'informatica de barcelona(es),stattauto koeln gesellschaft fuer car sharing mbh(de),edistribucion

Growsmarter naturgy

Continuation of the installation of photovoltaic panels and Smart Home equipment in residential buildings.

Naturgy smarthome es la solución completa para convertir cualquier casa en un hogar Inteligente de la manera más fácil. Naturgy, socio do proxecto GrowSmarter en España e a Agència de l'Habitatge de Catalunya (AHC), que xestiona o plan de rehabilitación no barrio de Canyelles, alcanzaron un acordo de colaboración para levar a cabo a rehabilitación integral con criterios pasivos dunha das torres do devandito barrio. Naturgy, soci del projecte GrowSmarter a Espanya, i l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya (AHC), que gestiona el pla de rehabilitació al barri de Canyelles, han arribat a un acord de col·laboració per dur a terme la rehabilitació integral amb criteris passius d’una de les torres d’aquest barri. GrowSmarter is a European project that seeks to apply a combination of technologies to promote energy savings, a reduction in environmental impact and improved quality of life in Smart City environments as a pilot project. GrowSmarter is a European project that seeks to apply a combination of technologies to promote energy savings, a reduction in the environmental impact and improved quality of life in Smart City environments as a pilot. Under the GrowSmarter project, Gas Natural Fenosa has implemented energy refurbishment of three buildings with very different uses, and one of them is a hotel H10 Catedral. The aim is to validate the technical and economic feasibility of executing an energy refurbishment of a tertiary building.
Kjell granerød

Barcelona City Council encourages strategic initiatives aimed at generating international collaboration and promoting a global and forward-looking vision to businesses and public bodies, as well as scientific and technological centres. Naturgy i l’Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC) han posat en marxa un sistema pilot per a millorar l’eficiència energètica al centre terapèutic i educatiu per a joves del projecte ‘Acompanya’m’ de Sant Joan de Déu, dins el Monestir de Valldonzella, al districte de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi de Barcelona. NATURGY ENERGY GROUP SA (Spain): list of projects The following table shows the list of Horizon 2020 projects developed by "NATURGY ENERGY GROUP SA" . Projects are ordered by starting date.

Mer om GrowSmarter på Stockholm växer Här finns GrowSmarters webbplats Mer om GrowSmarter Här läggs grunden för framtidens smarta reseappar.Realtidsdata för alla There is also a chance to participate in a pre-event on November 18 hosted by Naturgy and the City of Barcelona, where GrowSmarter launches their final conclusions on the creation of Low Energy Districts. The winners of The Smart City Awards will be announced on November 20 at an awards ceremony at the Smart City Expo World Congress.
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Growsmarter naturgy

iTunes Connect App Intelligence for Naturgy GrowSmarter. Insights into Download, usage, revenue, rank & SDK data. Compare performance to the competition.

This project forms part  30 Nov 2020 Naturgy Mexico App This app was developed by Naturgy Mexico, last update on Nov 30, 2020, it has been downloaded more than 1000. Entre ellos se destacan los proyectos THERMOS (energía distrital), GROWSMARTER (smart cities) y URBAN-LEDs II (estrategias climáticas urbanas ).

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Controla la temperatura de tu hogar, visualiza datos del consumo eléctrico y programa avisos desde tu móvil

The energy company Naturgy developed a prototype a home energy management system (HEMS) for its customers in order to test the business model for allowing citizens to exploit smart services at home.

Naturgy identifies sustainable mobility as a key component of strategic innovation within its positioning in environmentally friendly energies. As a leading energy company, it will play a fundamental role in the process of transforming mobility models, where renewable natural gas and electricity are the main vectors.

Compare performance to the competition. GrowSmarter website showcases market-ready solutions for future smart cities Smart city project, GrowSmarter has officially launched its new website showing 12 Solutions can support the transition to a smart, sustainable Europe and improve the quality of life for local residents. Generació distribuïda i autoconsum L’energia distribuïda ja és una realitat. Gràcies a l’avenç de les tecnologies, avui dia disposem d’infraestructures i sistemes intel·ligents que permeten descentralitzar els punts de distribució d’energia i revolucionar els models actuals, de manera que es dona pas a noves oportunitats de negoci. Naturgy smarthome es la solución completa para convertir cualquier casa en un hogar Inteligente de la manera más fácil. Controla tu hogar desde el móvil, ahorra energía, simula presencia y recibe alertas de lo que ocurre cuando no estés.

base of this, coordinating collaboration within the sphere of the smart city between different European projects. GrowSmarter (2014-2019). This project forms part  30 Nov 2020 Naturgy Mexico App This app was developed by Naturgy Mexico, last update on Nov 30, 2020, it has been downloaded more than 1000. Entre ellos se destacan los proyectos THERMOS (energía distrital), GROWSMARTER (smart cities) y URBAN-LEDs II (estrategias climáticas urbanas ).